I tend to dabble in the random, the seldom thought of, the used-to-be-cliche, off-beat, unappreciated, and all around, underground and forgotten.
But then they are things, well still very dorky/geeky/nerdy and down right just, well, weird (who needs knitted mason jar coosy). I love knitting, reading, National Geographic, comics, sewing, How I Met Your Mother, cartoons, oh yes, cartoons, records, toys, shenanigans, miniature items, the list goes on.
Crafter, I am a BIG crafter, making anything, thats my deal. My newest and favorite media: Shrinky Dinks. It started with an idea as an end-of-the-season gift for my co-workers that just, exploded.
After several days of making presents for my co-workers I've worked up to this: it's a manifestation of our season biggest joke. One afternoon when we had all received our paychecks, my pal Jeannie asked if I was going to go and get 'Pictures of bears", when I asked her what they meant, she said that I like "pitchers of beers". Thus, my hearing problem becomes amusing to us all.

Researching lace images I found this AMAZING Dutch company. I am fascinated with there work. I want a house, home, apartment, vacant lot so I can fence it in with some of this. (Above)

It's beautiful. I am a big fan of using everyday objects in an unexpected way. Just a few more twists of wire, not at all dissimilar to lace making, using many of the same techniques, they have crated this on a much larger scale. Or something misappropriated, similar to this scull lace piece, something so delicate creating a usually sinister image.
Or, OR! This one is my favorite! I have an unnatural love of ponies, but more of the My Little verity. I found this amazing artist who creates these pony flavored masterpieces!
Two of my favorites are the Lady Gaga Via "Telephone" and the classic white jumpsuit Elvis. I am in love with this. The details are amazing.
Two of my favorites are the Lady Gaga Via "Telephone" and the classic white jumpsuit Elvis. I am in love with this. The details are amazing.